khentutz… R-E-A-D-I-N-G

January 19, 2011

New Beginnings

Filed under: Rumbles and Grunts — khentutz @ 6:16 am
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2011, a start of a new decade. As I depart from my comfort zone and venture to the unknown and uncertain real life, I take with me positive energies to help me get through the challenges I am about to face.

All good things come to an end at one point in time, but better have it ended than not experience the good stuff at all.

As a new decade, I am rethinking of what i want for the rest of my life or at least the next few years. As a starter, i hope to revive the blogging hobby i had before. So here’s a new post. Another thing is that I am finding a new job, (if you have a job to refer for a business graduate with 5-6 years working experience, please let me know) a new role to play in the corporate aspect of my life. The part of my life that will give fuel to do future things.

I find it hard to let go of the curent comfort zone i have but i am willing to risk and seek more possibilities out there. All im sure is that even if it’s a new decade, I wont let go of the close and true friends i had. I will be forever grateful of the ups and downs of friendships and all the memories in between. It’s because of them that I have developed to be a responsible and mature individual and they are among the pillars of strength (aside from God, family and loved one) when everything seems to be lost and unfair.

The past has made me realize that even you do your best, it will never be enough as life can be unfair at times. I dunno if this is true but to be successful, you need to kiss-ass or be a crab among your peers. However, i do not think i could do that, i am happy and content that I am moving forward knowing that I did my best and never wronged anyone just to be ahead and be safe.

I will never be certain what the future holds for me but I am sure, that everything will fall into the right place at the right time. I am positive that the changes i am about to undergo will help me find my purpose in life.

So i as i venture to the unknown, new career, new blogging and new routines, cheers to new beginnings!

1 Comment »

  1. Your post rings a bell to me; it is so true that the working world consists of so many flatterers or as you say ass-kissers. I must have behaved that way myself in the past without realizing it. Seeing all this nonsense I also console myself with chocolate treats occasionnaly or blogging. Despite its harshness life has it’s good moments. Blogging is good for all of us; good blogging to you !

    Comment by n1i2c3o4l5e — January 19, 2011 @ 2:37 pm | Reply

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